Searching for Happiness

I’ve spent a lot of my life being taught how NOT to be happy

And so have you!

Being sold on a plan for how to live my life…..essentially how to find happiness!

For 35 years, I believed that plan, and lived it, without question.

All that time, I’ve believed that happiness is ‘out there’ somewhere.

That if I just work hard enough, earn enough money, find the right person to spend my life with, sculpt the perfect body, and buy the right things along the way, then I will eventually find happiness.

So, I’ve spent a long time looking for happiness.

Searching for it…..

And yet it always seemed to elude me.

There was always this feeling that if I could just do more, earn more, be more, have more (and weigh less)…..I would eventually be happy.

I spent far too much time searching for happiness, trying to create happiness……but not actually feeling happy!

Sound familiar?

I reached the point where I realised the plan for ‘finding’ happiness wasn’t working.

What changed?

I became a mum!

When I became a mum, my whole world shifted on its axis.
Becoming a mum completely shifted my perspective on life.

I was stuck in a job that was sucking the life out of me. Surrounded by people who were professional complainers (we all know some of them, don’t we!).

I’d got all the right ‘stuff’. The big house, the good husband, the nice cars, the lovely holidays twice a year, the material things that demonstrated I was ‘doing well’ in life and should, by all accounts, have found happiness!

According to the plan I’d been given, I should have been happy!

I was doing the things I was ‘supposed’ to do…..and yet I was gradually feeling worse and worse about it all.

Happiness seemingly drifting further out of reach.

The plan wasn’t working.

I realised I needed a new plan.

Not just for my benefit, but for my daughter, Maddison’s benefit too.

I needed to set a better example to my daughter.

I didn’t want her to think that life is just about following plan – the same plan everyone follows.

A plan that she would eventually realised is broken.

A plan that doesn’t actually make you happy.

I didn’t want my daughter to learn how NOT to be happy!

I didn’t want my daughter to think that she’d been born just to follow the same brooken plan.

I didn’t want my daughter to think she was here just to ‘keep up with the Jones’s’ and spend her life working to buy the stuff she didn’t need, just to impress people she barely knew and who didn’t matter anyway.

I wanted a better plan for my daughter.

I wanted a better example for my daughter.

And I realised that I need to be that example.

And so, I too needed a new plan.

So, for the last 7 years, I’ve been studying, researching, reading, listening, learning all i can about how i can create a new plan…..fueled by a determination to stop searching for happiness, and just start feeling it!

And fueled by a belief that I CAN BE a better role model for my daughter.

Fueled by a determination TO BE a better role model for her.

And fueled by the belief that there must be a better plan for life, than the one I inherited.

There must be a better way, a happier way!

The more I studied, read, listened and researched, the more I recognised that there were common themes running through what I was learning. Some fundamentals if you like, that became apparent.

These fundamental are common to so many schools of thought, that I realised they couldn’t all be wrong. So they must all be right.

So, I decided to write a book that captures everything I’ve learned so far on that 7 year journey.

This book will bring together all I know so far and shine a spotlight on all those fundamentals. Some may seem obvious and familiar. Some less so.

Collectively, they work powerfully together. That I know for sure.

I’ve experienced it myself and I’ve witnessed it for countless others.

That’s how I know it can work for you too.

This book will be a ‘How To’ guide for happiness.

If you would like a copy of this book when it’s finished, please let me know and I’ll be sure to add you to my waiting list!

It’ll be worth the wait – I promise!