Money and the stupid things we do!

Here is a list of a few of the stupid things that many of us women do when it comes to money:
🤐 We marry for money.
🤐 We stay in bad marriages or relationships because we’re afraid we can’t make it financially on our own.
🤐 We let a man make all our key financial decisions.
🤐 We accept the myth that men are better with money.
🤐 We accept the myth that men are better at investing.
🤐 We won’t challenge a man’s financial decisions because we don’t want to rock the boat and hurt his ego.
🤐 We take financial advice from supposed “experts” because we don’t think we’re smart enough.
🤐 We keep quiet to keep the peace.
🤐 We hang on too long because (at least financially) we’re “comfortable.”
🤐 We’re left behind for younger women… because we hung on too long.
🤐 We hope the man will change.
🤐 We settle for “OK” in life when what we really want is “Great.”
🤐 A man is lost but won’t ask for directions… and we follow him.
🤐 We sell ourselves short
🤐 We put up with all the inequalities on the job, for a paycheck.
🤐 We feel guilty working extra hours and not being with our kids.
🤐 We accept less pay than our male equivalents and often end up doing their work.
🤐 We get passed over for a promotion we deserve… and stay.
🤐 We miss our kids’ soccer games and recitals because we have to work.
🤐 We often look into the future and think, “Someday…”
Most of us have done one or more of these stupid things.
The bottom line is that many of us sell our souls in the name of money.
The real crime is the toll it takes on our self-esteem, our confidence, and our self-worth.
Yes, this book is about women and investing, but it’s actually about much more than that. It’s about women taking control of their lives. It’s about dignity. It’s about self-respect.
👆 This is an excerpt from the book; Rich Woman, by Kim Kiyosaki
Do any of these things sound familiar to you?
If you haven’t read the book, I’d highly recommend it.
And if you’re looking for a way to take back control of your life and your money, let’s have a chat.
A woman holding a phone and a handful of money